
12 divertido Gym Memes

12 Funny Gym Memes

Mira estos memes de 12 divertidos que describen perfectamente algunos de los pensamientos que hemos tenido en el gimnasio.

realbuzz team

Mira estos memes de 12 divertidos que describen perfectamente algunos de los pensamientos que hemos tenido en el gimnasio.

How I feel when the gym is empty
When you manage 10 burpes in a row
The face you pull during the last 10 seconds of a plank
The face you pull during the last 10 seconds of a plank
Can my arms fall off if I do too many push ups?
That moment when you get to the gym and realise you forgot your headphones
Life has its ups and downs... we call them squats
When you see stairs after leg day
I tend to get out of breath when I drink rum. I like to call it bacardio
Checking for abs after doing one sit-up
People who think a minute goes by quickly have clearly never done the plank...
When your friend asks you to hang out after leg day

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